The Big Voice Workshop

Elaine’s inspiring workshops vary in content and length, according to the occasion, bringing new insights to the principles of vocal communication – both singing and speaking. By taking the attendees past the ‘fear’ of singing, she opens the door to techniques that can be applied to not only the voice, but many of life’s challenges.

Demonstrating such techniques as lower body grounding, freedom in the vocal and neck area and the principles of resonance and breathing, she opens a new world of understanding of the human voice as a soul-revealing instrument of power. There will be one-on-one attention to individual tensions & strengths. Attendees will also be led through a short song to go beyond the technique, and access the spiritual / emotional element of their “Big Voice”. They will learn how to access these techniques to enhance the speaking and singing voice.

Elaine will entertain with stories about films and stars with whom she has worked, and will entice the group to let loose in beautiful harmony! As a rousing conclusion to the workshop, Elaine will powerfully interpret a song using the principles revealed.

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Designed by Anna Mastin
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